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Saturday 27 September 2014

Absolutus, a storyteller



Resisting by existing, by not fogetting, by keeping our memories alive, by telling our stories, by re-living the memories, by writing, by ‘liberating ourselves with metaphors’, as Mahmoud Darwish would say.
Resisting by remembering yesterday, by living today, by hoping for and achieving a better tomorrow.
The love for a land, for an olive tree, for the windy mornings and evenings of a homeland that lives in the hearts of a people who will not surrender.
We’ll listen together to the untold stories of Palestinian life.

Resistere come esistere, come non dimenticare, come tener vivi i ricordi, come raccontare le nostre storie, come rivivere le memorie, come scrivere, come ‘liberarsi attraverso le metafore’, come direbbe Mahmoud Darwish.
Resistere ricordando ieri, vivendo oggi, e sperando e realizzando un migliore domani.
L’amore per una terra, per un ulivo, per le mattine e le serate ventose di una terra che vive nei cuori di un popolo che non si arrenderà.
Ascolteremo assieme le storie non raccontate della vita Palestinese.

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