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Friday, 3 August 2012

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين BLOGGING 4 HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERATION OF PALESTINE! فلسطين

iRemember | الشهداء

This page is a tribute and memorial for the Palestinian Shuhada (Martyrs) of  Occupation

انّا للہ و انّا الیه راجعون

‘Inna Lillahi wa ‘Inna ‘Ilayhi Raji’un -  Allahu Akbar

May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ ala grant the Shuhada Jannatul Firdaus, 
and ease it for their families, loved ones and anyone around them. Allahumma Ameen ya Rabbil ‘Alameen.
█▌= Children      █▌= Adults  | Click on the names to view related news / resources


119Shaheed Ayman al-Shurafa | 22 years old. Killed on Aug 1, 2012
118Shaheed Akram Bader | Assassinated in a attack by zionist occupation forces in Al Quds | July 30, 2012
117Shaheed Abdul Rahman al-Sabana | 24 years old. Killed in Rafah Gaza | July 19, 2012
116Shaheed Mahmoud Mohammad Al Heeqi | Mujaheed of Al Qassam Brigades. 23 years old. Assassinated July 12, 2012
115Shaheeda Aziza Mahmoud | Mother of Mohammed Abdo died. | July 3, 2012
114Shaheed Hussein Kamal Ghannaje | Member of Hamas. Assassinated | June 27, 2012
113Shaheed Subhi Abu Khaled | Killed as refugee of Israeli occupation | June 26, 2012
112Shaheed Yassin Rideif | Killed as refugee of Israeli occupation | June 26, 2012
111Shaheed Nassim Assalti | Killed as refugee of Israeli occupation | June 26, 2012
110Shaheed Muutaz Assalti | Killed as refugee of Israeli occupation | June 26, 2012
109Shaheed Osama Mahmoud Ali | 42 years old. Killed in a zionist airstike in Gaza | June 23, 2012
108Shaheed Mohammed al Burai | 25 years old. Assassinated in a zionist attack on Gaza | June 23, 2012
107Muatazz al-Sawwaf | 4 years old. Assassinated in a zionist attack on Gaza | June 23, 2012
106Shaheed Hamam Abu Qadous | Killed in a zionist attack on Gaza on June 22, 2012
105Shaheed Bassem Ahmed | 29 years old. Killed in a zionist attack on June 22, 2012
104Shaheed Thaer al-Bik | 30 years old. Mujaheed of Al-Qassam Brigades | Died June 21, 2012
103Shaheed Muhammad al-Khalidi | 26 years old. Mujaheed of Al-Qassam Brigades |  Died June 21, 2012
102Shaheed Mo’men al Adam | 14yr old. Killed in a zionist attack | June 20, 2012
101Shaheed Ghalib Rmelat | Mujaheed of Al Quds Brigades, Islamic Jihad wing | Died June 20, 2012
100Shaheeda Hadeel Al-Haddad | 1,5 year old girl. Killed in a zionist attack on Gaza | June 19, 2012
99Shaheed Yousef At-Tilbani | 16 years old. Assassinated by zionist forces | June 19, 2012
98Shaheed Mohammed Abu Moa’liq | 16 years old. Assassinated by zionist forces | June 19, 2012
97Shaheed Yasser Abdullah Ramadan | 29 years old. Killed in a zionist attack on Gaza | June 18, 2012
96Shaheed Abdo AlZaanin | Mujaheed of Al Aqsa Protectors Brigades. Assassinatedin a zionist attack | June 18, 2012
95Shaheed Ibrahim AbdelFattah | Mujaheed of Al Aqsa Protectors Brigades. Assassinated in a zionist attack | June 18, 2012
94Shaheed Ismail Mohammed Abu Oda | 21 years old. Mujaheed of Islamic Jihad. Killed June 18, 2012
93Shaheed Mohammed Rafeeq Shabat | 24 years. Mujaheed of Islamic Jihad. Killed June 18, 2012
92Shaheed Rezeq Majed Rihan | 30 years old. Mujaheed of Al Qassam Brigades. Died June 18, 2012
91Shaheed Anwar Abed Rabbo | Killed in a settler attack in Al-Khalil | June 17, 2012
90Shaheed Naim Al-Najjar | Killed in a settler attack in Al-Khalil | June 17, 2012
89Shaheed Child of Ghannouma family | 16 Years old. Killed in Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp | June 15, 2012
88Shaheed Ahmad Qasem | 12 years old. Killed in Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp | June 15, 2012
87Shaheed Ghassan Ramadan Radwan | 40 years old. Died in effort to relief the siege on Gaza | June 13, 2012
86Shaheed Ibrahim Al-Bal | 27 years old. Died of wounds sustained in Second Intifada | June 13, 2012
85Shaheed Mahmoud Qasem | 43 year old Refugee. Killed in Hama refugee camp | June 12, 2012
84Shaheed (name not confirmed yet) | Killed in tunnel in effort to ease the siege for his people | June 7, 2012
83Shaheed Ahmed Mohammad Qalajah | 25 years old. Resistance fighter of Al-Qassam Brigades Died June 4, 2012
82Shaheed Suraaqah Qudeih | 18 years old. Died due to wounds sustained in zionist attack on Gaza | June 3, 2012
81Shaheed Naji Qudaih | 34 years old. Succumbed to wounds sustained in a zionist attack on Gaza | June 1, 2012
80Shaheed Ahmad Abu Naser | Resistance fighter of Saraya Al Quds died during duty for his country | June 1, 2012
79Shaheed Zoheir Lubbada | 38 years old. Died due to deliberate medical deprivation by IOA | May 31, 2012
78Shaheed Nader Omar | Died in a tunnel. Consequence of siege & policies by Israel | Excess death | May 20, 2012
77Shaheed Jihad Barakeh | 18 yrs old. Died in tunnel in attempt to relieve deprivation by siege | May 17, 2012
76Shaheed name not confirmed yet | Shot by zionist forces in 1948 Palestine | May 16, 2012
75Shaheed Fares al-Rantasi | 19 year old Mujaheed of Al-Qassem killed during duty | May  7, 2012
74Shaheed Abdullah al-Tawil | 33 years old. Commander of an-Nasser Salah Addin Brigades. Died during duty | May 1, 2012
73Shaheed Ahmed Abu Warda | 24 year old Mujaheed of Qassam Brigades. Died during duty | Apr 30, 2012
72Shaheed Mo’men Moreed Hassona | 24 year old Mujaheed of Qassam Brigades. Died during duty | April 27, 2012
71Shaheed Ayman Sammur | Died due to deprivation policies by Israel | Excess Death | April 21, 2012
70Shaheed Mahmoud al-Burno | 21 years old | Died due to deprivation policies by Israel | Excess death | April 21, 2012
69Shaheed Muhammad al-Burno | 23 years old | Died due to deprivation policies by Israel | Excess death | April 21, 2012
68Shaheed Fadi Zaitoun | Killed by extremist settlers in Beita Nablus | April 5, 2012
67Shaheed Sheikh Hamed Al-Beitawi | 70 years old | Died due to obstruction of medical aid by Israel | April 4, 2012
66Shaheed Hisham Misbah Saad | 17 years old. | Assassinated by zionist forces | April 3, 2012
65Shaheeda Aseel Ara’ara | 4 Year old | Died due to wounds sustained on Oct 26, 2011 |  April 3, 2012
64Shaheed Moataz Mohamed Abu Jazar | 19 Years old. | Excess death | April 2, 2012
63Shaheed Rashad Theeb Shawakha | 28 yrs old. Assassinated by Israel | April 2, 2012
62Shaheed Bilal Yousef al-Saayed   | 20 years old | Assassinated by Israeli forces | April 1, 2012
61Shaheed Sabri| Children 6, 5 &  2 yr old. Died due to deliberate deprivation by Israel | Excess death | April 1, 2012
60Shaheed Nadeen | Children 6, 5 & 2 yr old. Died due to deliberate deprivation by Israel | Excess death | April 1, 2012
59Shaheeda Farah | Children 6, 5 &  2 yr old. Died due to deliberate deprivation by Israel | Excess death | April 1, 2012
58Shaheed Mahmoud Zaqout | 20 years old. Killed by zionist forces on Land Day – Gaza | March 30, 2012
57Shaheeda Beesan El-Mashharawi | 4 yr old girl. Died due to deprivation by Israel | Excess death | March 26, 2012
56Shaheed Mohammed Abd al-Halim al-Helo | 7 month old. Died due to deprivation by Israel | Excess death | March 24, 2012
55Shaheed Ahmed Ali Al Qatrawi | 24 years old Mujaheed. Killed during duty defending his country | March 23, 2012
54Shaheed Identity unknown at this moment | one of Palestinians which were shot yesterday at the funeral | March 15, 2012
53Shaheed Baraka Al-Mughrabi | 7 yr old | Die due to wounds sustained in 4day massacre on Gaza | March 14, 2012
52Shaheed Bassam el Ejla | 24 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 12, 2012
51Shaheed Mohammed Dhaher | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 12, 2012
50Shaheed Mohammed Al Hasoumi | 65 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 12, 2012
49Shaheeda Fayza Al Hasoumi | 30 years old, Daughter of  Mohammed | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 12, 2012
48Shaheed Nayif Shaaban Qarmout | 17 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 12, 2012
47Shaheed Raafat Jawad Abu Eid | 24 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 12, 2012
46Shaheed Hamadeh Salman Abu Mutlaq | 24 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 12, 2012
45Shaheed Adel Al Issi |  52 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 11, 2012
44Shaheed Ayoub Useila | 12 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 11, 2012
43Shaheed Ahmed Deeb Salem | 23 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 11, 2012
42Shaheed Mahdi Abu Shahweesh | 24 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 10, 2012
41Shaheed Mansour Abu Nusaira | 21 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 10, 2012
40Shaheed Hussein Breik   | 51 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 10, 2012
39Shaheed Yahya Dahshan | 27 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
38Shaheed Muhammad al-Ghamry | 26 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | Died of wounds on March 10, 2012
37Shaheed Ahmad Hajjaj | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
36Shaheed Mohammed Al-Moghary | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
35Shaheed Mahmoud Nejem | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
34Shaheed Moatasem Hajjaj | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
33Shaheed Fayeq Saad | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
32Shaheed Shadi Al Ziqali | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
31Shaheed Hazem Qraqe | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
30Shaheed Muhammad Harara | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
29Shaheed Obeid al-Ghirbali | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
28Shaheed Mahmoud Ahmed Huneini | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
27Shaheed Zuhair Qaisi |PRC secretary-general. Assassinated by zionist forces | March 9, 2012
26Shaheed 18 months old toddler | Excess death | Died March 9, 2012
25Shaheed Zakariay Abu Iram| 15 years old | Assassinated by zionist forces | March 8, 2012
24Shaheed Ziyad Jaradat | 12 years old | Died due to explosion of by zionist left behind ordnance | March 6, 2012
23Shaheed Hamza Jaradat | 13 years old | Died due to explosion of by zionist left behind ordnance | March 6, 2012
22Shaheed Khalid Ibrahim Radi | 45 years old. | Excess death  | March 3, 2012
21Shaheed Thaer Madhi | Died due to accident in tunnel | Excess death | March 3, 2012
20Shaheed Sheikh Fahmi Asaad Jaradat | 55 Years old Chief if Justice | Died on Feb 28, 2012
19Shaheed Talat Ramia | 23 Years old. Killed by zionist forces Febr 24, 2012
18Shaheed Omar Jebreen | Killed by Israel by deliberate deprivation of medical care and neglect | Feb 22, 2012
17Shaheed Hamad Abu Shallouf | 25 Year old Mujaheed. Died during duty near Rafah – Gaza | Febr 14, 2012
16Shaheed Ali Abu Aathra | 20 Year old Mujaheed. Died during duty in Rafah – Gaza | Febr 12, 2012
15Shaheed Abd Al Kareem Al Zaitouna | 71 years old. Assassinated in a zionist attack on Gaza | Febr 11, 2012
14Shaheed  Ezzedeen Salah Safi | 22 years old. Mujaheed of Al Qassam | Died Febr 5, 2012
13Shaheed Sameer Abdulrahman Al Ejlah | 28 year old. Mujaheed of Al Qassam | Died Febr 5, 2012
12Shaheed Faraj Abu Mustapha | 28 years old. Died on Jan 25, 2012
11Shaheed Hamid Ahmad Abu Sahloul | 42 years old. Died of wounds sustained in an earlier attack | Jan 24, 2012
10Shaheeda Haneen Abu Kamal Jalala  | 17 years old. Died due to wounds sustained in Cast Lead War | Jan 22, 2012
9Shaheed Muhammad al-Haddad | Died due to Israeli infringement of basic needs |  Excess Death | Jan 19, 2012
8Shaheeda Tahrir | Wife of Muhammad al-Haddad Died due to infringement of basic needs | Excess Death | Jan 19, 2012
7Shaheed Ahmad Al-Zaaneen | 17 years old. Killed in zionist attack on Gaza | Jan 18, 2012
6Shaheed Mohammad Abu Odeh | 20 years old. Killed in zionist attack on Gaza | Jan 18, 2012
5Shaheed Khalid al-Qaisi | 38 years old Mujaheed of PCR killed while on duty. Southern Gaza | Jan 14, 2012
4Shaheed Anwar Habib | 22 years old Resistance Fighter of Islamic Jihad Resistance killed in duty. Shujaiyya, Gaza | Jan 8, 2012
3Shaheed Gabi Kadees | Christian Orthodox leader, murdered in Jaffa Palestine | Jan 7, 2012
2Shaheed Bilal Shaath | 24 years old. Died in a collapse of a tunnel in Gaza | Jan 5, 2012
1Shaheed Zakariya Dawood Eisa | Died due obstruction of healthcare by the zionist entity | Excess Death | Jan 2, 2012

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