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Friday, 31 May 2013
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Appeal to the owners of compassionate hearts
Our appeal to the owners of compassionate hearts who become accustomed to seeing them at the forefront to assist the Palestinian people in all categories ..
We put in your hands now is a medical condition of a pregnant woman suffering from thrombosis in the placenta nutrients to the fetus, as this case has spread in the Gaza Strip significantly after the Israeli war on Gaza in 2008/2009, and summed up the situation in the genes affected in the body of a pregnant woman and lead to the existence of clots in the placenta through which they provide themselves with the fetus and gets all the requirements of life and growth, and when there is this kind of thrombosis, that hinders the arrival of these requirements to him, and so stop life for the fetus and lead to mortality in the first weeks of pregnancy, but for a treat, summed up as follows :
Pregnant women need to two injections per day, or by injection every 12 hours, one of the type “heparin” at a specific time every day and either Takhadd throughout pregnancy or until the fifth month of pregnancy and the cost of $ 8 per injection.
The other type of injection unique “Frakseparan” and taken a shot all day at a specific time either during pregnancy or even the fifth month, according to estimates by the doctor, and the cost of $ 5 per injection.
So our appeal to you once again who has the ability to assist in providing the cost of some injections as possible because the family suffers from poverty and do not have the ability to provide this amount of injection on a daily basis, where the patient needs for the first type of injection, it has the desire to help .. Please communicate with us in particular, so that we can deliver assistance to this case.
Monday, 27 May 2013
2. Palästina-Solidaritätskonferenz in Stuttgart
Die Einladung zur Konferenz
- Konferenzprogramm
- Liste der Referent_innen der Konferenz
Die Eröffnungsveranstaltung am Freitag, den 10. Mai 2013:
- Verena Rajab, Palästinakomitee Stuttgart: Eröffnungsrede
- Richard Falk, Prof. für internationales Recht, Princeton Universität, Menschenrechtsbeauftragter der UN, USA: Video-Vortrag zu “Boycott, Desinvestment, Sanctions” and the perspective of one democratic state in Palestine”
- Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, Schirmfrau, Autorin/Journalistin:Eröffnungsrede
- Salah Abdel Shafi, Botschafter Palästinas: Grußwort
- Ilan Pappe, Israelischer Historiker: Palästina nach der UN-Resolution – Ein Wendepunkt
- Joseph Massad, Professor an der Columbia University, NY, USA:Zionismus, Antisemitismus und die Palästinafrage, (The Last of the Semites)
- Diskussionsrunde
Das 1. Panel am Samstag, den 11. Mai 2013
- Ivesa Lübben, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Marburg, Deutschland: Einführende Worte und Moderation
- Haneen Naamnih, Rechtsanwältin, Schriftstellerin, Palästina: Der Jüdische Nationalfonds-KKL, der Prawer-Plan im Negev, Bürgerrechte im siedlerkolonialistischen Staat und der Kampf um den Boden
- Ranja Madi, Badil, Resource Center for Palestinian Refugee and Residency Rights, Genf: Die Flüchtlingsfrage
- Yoav Bar, Ehemaliges Politbüro-Mitglied von Abnaa Al-Balad, Initiator der Haifa Konferenz für ODS, Palästina: Der demokratische gemeinsame Staat – Voraussetzung, Umsetzung, Initiativen in Palästina und Deutschland
- Die Diskussionsrunde
Das 2. Panel am Samstag, den 11. Mai 2013:
- Annette Groth, DIE LINKE: Einführende Worte und Moderation
- Jaber Wishah, Vize-Direktor des Palästinensischen Zentrums für Menschenrechte, Gaza, Palästina: Israelische Kriegsverbrechen, die Menschenrechtssituation in Palästina und die Ergebnisse des Russell-Tribunals
- Ilan Pappe, Historiker, Prof. an der Universität Exeter, UK: Die Ein-Staat-Lösung, Utopie, bittere Realität, oder realistische Alternative für einen gerechten Frieden im historischen Palästina
- Die Diskussionsrunde
Das 3. Panel am Samstag, den 11. Mai 2013:
- Birgit Althaler, Übersetzerin, Palästinasolidarität Region Basel, Schweiz:Einführende Worte und Moderation
- Ghada Karmi, Dr. med., Autorin, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Universität Exeter, UK: Das Rückkehrrecht und die Einstaat-Lösung – Strategien für die Verwirklichung
- Salah Salah, Member of the Palestinian National Council, Representative of the Refugees Commission: Die arabischen Revolutionen und der Boykott des israelischen Apartheidstaats
- Die Diskussionsrunde
Das 4. Panel am Samstag, den 11. Mai 2013:
- Willi Langthaler, Journalist, Wien, Österreich: Einführende Worte und Moderation
- Mhamed Krichen, Journalist, Al Jazeera, Tunesien: Die arabischen Revolutionen und ihr Einfluss auf die Palästinafrage
- Asaad Abu Khalil, Prof. für Politikwissenschaft, California State University, Stanislaus, USA: Widerstand und Befreiung von Diktatur und Siedlerkolonialismus in der Ära des politischen Islam
- Die Diskussionsrunde
Das 5. Panel am Sonntag, den 12. Mai 2013:
- Reinhold Riedel, Palästinakomitee Stuttgart: Einführende Worte und Moderation
- Attia Rajab, Bauingenieur, Palästinakomitee Stuttgart: Zwei Staaten – Ein Staat: Die Solidaritätsbewegung in der BRD am Wendepunkt
- Hermann Dierkes, Mitglied des Rates der Stadt Duisburg und der ParteiDIE LINKE, Deutschland: Israel als Staatsräson Deutschlands und die Solidaritätsbewegung
- Shir Hever, Ökonom des Alternative Information Center, Doktorand an der FU Berlin, Deutschland: Die militärische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Israel, der EU und Deutschland – der internationale Hintergrund des israelischen Militarismus
- Die Diskussionsrunde
Die Abschlussveranstaltung am 12. Mai 2013:
- die Podiumsdiskussion mit Ilan Pappe, Joseph Massad, Asaad Abu Khalil, Jaber Wishah, Ghada Karmi, Haneen Naamnih, Yoav Bar, Hermann Dierkes und Shir Hever. Moderator: Mhamed Krichen: Perspektiven für den politischen Systemwechsel im historischen Palästina
- Die Diskussionrunde mit dem Podium
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Monday, 20 May 2013
محمود درويش.... لا اعرف الشخص الغريبمحمود درويش.... لا اعرف الشخص الغريب Mahmoud Darwish
دار الشجرة للذاكرة الفلسطينية
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Eyewitness from zionist troops admits how they expelled the palestinians from their villages
اعترافات لصهيوني شارك في احداث النكبة
أحد الذين شاركوا بنكبتنا يعترف كيف هجروا الفلسطينيين من قراهم بالقوة .. يستحق المشاهدة
An Eyewitness from the zionist troops admits how they expelled the palestinians from their villages and destroyed it
A Must see video
English subtitles available
Vídeos de Jérusalem - Jerusalem - القدس
video list WAFA PS
human rights,
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Siedlungen ... Settlements - Media-APD
Steadfastness Tale - help for poorest Palestinians
حكاية صمود... برنامج تلفزيوني
يهدف لدعم الأسر الفلسطينية الأشد فقرا لتعزيز صمودهم على الأرض المقدسة.
Steadfastness Tale .. A TV program that aims to support the poorest Palestinian families to enhance their steadfastness on their holy land.
لأجل: الأرض التي بارك الله فيها...
لأجل: من ضحوا بأرواحهم لكرامة أمتهم ...
لأجل: دمعة والدة شهيد وأهات ابن أسير...
For the land, which Allah blessed ..
For those who sacrificed their souls for the dignity of their nation ..
For the tears of a martyr's father, and the sigh of a prisoner's son ..
الخبير الاقتصادي الأمريكي " توماس ستوفار":
الولايات المتحدة وحدها دعمت إسرائيل ماليا منذ العام 1973 بحوالي 1.6 تريليون دولار أي 1600 بليون دولار، بمعنى أخر : كل مواطن أمريكي دفع لإسرائيل 5700 دولار بناء على عدد سكان أمريكا اليوم.
"The United States alone has been supporting Israel financially since 1973 with 1.6 trillion dollars (1600 billion dollars). Which means: every single American citizen paid for Israel 5700 dollars, in accordance with the population of America today!", The American economic expert, Thomas Stofar said.
أولا فكرة المشروع :
اسم المشروع حكاية صمود
فكرة االمستهدفة:امج تلفزيوني يبث على قنوات فضائية, يعنى بتمويل مشاريع متناهية الصغر للأسر الصامدة الأشد فقرا.
الفئة المستهدفة : نساء الشهداء , والجرحى, والمتعطلين عن أعمالهم والأسر الفقيرة جدا .
** First : The project idea
The project name: Steadfastness Tale
The project idea: a TV program that broadcasts on satellite TV channels; aims to finance small projects for the poorest steadfast families.
The targeted category: Martyr's wives, the wounded, the unemployed and the poorest families.
The project geographic area: Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank – Palestine.
المنطقة الجغرافية للمشروع : القدس وقطاع غزة والضفة المحتلة –فلسطين
The project geographic area: Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank – Palestine.
ثانيا : أهداف البرنامج :
1- تعزيز صمود الفلسطينيين على أرضهم المقدسة .
2- محاولة سد الفراغ لمن فقدوا معيلهم سواء بالأسر أو الشهادة.
3- مواجهة سياسة التهجير الصهيونية والتي من أهم وسائلها: الخنق الاقتصادي للفلسطينيين.
4- دعم الأسر الفقيرة المرابطة بتوفير مصدر رزق مستمر بدلا من الإغاثة العاجلة المؤقتة .
5- إسهام جميع فئات الشعب في المشاركة في بناء وطنهم فلسطين.
6- إشراك المجتمع العربي والإسلامي كله في حمل هموم القضية الفلسطينية, كونها قضية العرب والمسلمين جميعا وليست قضية الشعب الفلسطيني وحده.
7- محاولة إيقاظ الوازع الإنساني لدى المشاهد العربي , ودعوته للتبرع لأجل تحسين الواقع الفلسطيني الصعب.
8- ارتفاع نسبة الفقر في الأراضي الفلسطينية والتي وصلت في غزة لوحدها إلى 85% حسب تقرير للمجلس الاقتصادي الفلسطيني للتنمية و الإعمار "بكدار".
9- عزوف رجال الأعمال عن دعم القضية المركزية "فلسطين".
** Second: The Project Targets:
1. Strengthening the steadfastness of the Palestinians on their holy land.
2. Trying to help those who have lost their provider either by imprisonment or death.
3. Facing the Zionist policy of displacement, which one of its most important means is: economic strangulation of the Palestinians.
4. Supporting the poor families to provide a continuous source of income instead of the temporary emergency relief.
5. Contributing all people categories to participate in building their homeland Palestine.
6. Involving the whole Arabs and Islamic communities in holding the troubles of the Palestinian issue, since it is the issue of all Arabs and Muslims, and it is not the issue of the Palestinians alone.
7. Attempting to awaken the human consciousness of the Arab viewers, and calling them to donate to improve the difficult Palestinian reality.
8. The high percentage of poverty in the Palestinian territories, which reached 85% in Gaza according to the report of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction "PECDAR".
9. Reluctance of businessmen to support the central issue "Palestine".
ثالثا: المساعدات المقدمة
يحاول البرنامج الوصول لأكبر عدد من المستفيدين من المنح بعد التحري والبحث عن الحالات الأشد حاجة على مستوى فلسطين, والمساعدات التي نقدمها هي كالأتي:
1- مشروع صغير بقيمة 4000 دولار
2- ترميم منزل بقيمة 3000 دولار
3- منحة علاج بقيمة 3000 دولار
4- عفش بيت بقيمة 1500دولار
5- زراعة أشجار الزيتون بقيمة 700دولار
6- منحة تعليم بقيمة 500 دولار
* * Third: The presented help :
The program tries to reach the largest number of beneficiaries from the grant, after investigating and searching for the most needed people in Palestine. The help which we present, as follows:
1. Small Project, amount US $4000
2. Home Renovation, amount US $3000
3. Medication Grant, amount US $3000
4. Home Furniture, amount US $1500
5. Planting Olive Trees, amount US $700
6. Education Grant, amount US $500
قالوا عنا
" برنامج حكاية صمود هو برنامج الشعب الفلسطيني كله.. وحينما تجسدون صورة من صور الصمود فإنه يكون رمزا من الرموز التي تتتلمذ عليها الأجيال ويتعلم منها الغير كيف الشعب الفلسطيني في غزة يبنى نفسه ويعزز وجوده ويحقق انتصاراته ويرسم الطريق نحو القدس "
م.زياد الظاظا
نائب رئيس الوزراء الفلسطيني
" هو برنامج من البرامج الواعدة إن شاء الله وفكرته فكرة مهمة و خدماتية من الطراز الأول , تستطيع الوصول إلى البيوت والناس المحتاجين والفقراء , وتقدم المساعدة مع حفظ ماء الوجه لهؤلاء الأسر "
م.صقر أبو هين
رئيس مجلس إدارة المجمع الإسلامي
تواصلوا معنا عبر:
** They said about us :
"Steadfastness Tale program is the program of all Palestinians .. since you are characterizing one image of its steadfastness images, it is a symbol that will be studied by generations, and learned from by others, how the Palestinians in Gaza build themselves, enhance their existence, achieve their victories and draw the road towards Jerusalem".
Eng. Ziad Al-Zaza, The Deputy of the Palestinian Prime Minister.
"It is one of the promising programs. Its idea is important and the services are first-class. It can reach the houses and the poor people, as well as helping them without hurting these families' feelings".
Eng. Saqer Abu Hein, Islamic Society Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Contact details:
Mob: +972-595244886
حكاية صمود... برنامج تلفزيوني
يهدف لدعم الأسر الفلسطينية الأشد فقرا لتعزيز صمودهم على الأرض المقدسة.
Steadfastness Tale .. A TV program that aims to support the poorest Palestinian families to enhance their steadfastness on their holy land.
لأجل: الأرض التي بارك الله فيها...
لأجل: من ضحوا بأرواحهم لكرامة أمتهم ...
لأجل: دمعة والدة شهيد وأهات ابن أسير...
For the land, which Allah blessed ..
For those who sacrificed their souls for the dignity of their nation ..
For the tears of a martyr's father, and the sigh of a prisoner's son ..
الخبير الاقتصادي الأمريكي " توماس ستوفار":
الولايات المتحدة وحدها دعمت إسرائيل ماليا منذ العام 1973 بحوالي 1.6 تريليون دولار أي 1600 بليون دولار، بمعنى أخر : كل مواطن أمريكي دفع لإسرائيل 5700 دولار بناء على عدد سكان أمريكا اليوم.
"The United States alone has been supporting Israel financially since 1973 with 1.6 trillion dollars (1600 billion dollars). Which means: every single American citizen paid for Israel 5700 dollars, in accordance with the population of America today!", The American economic expert, Thomas Stofar said.
أولا فكرة المشروع :
اسم المشروع حكاية صمود
فكرة االمستهدفة:امج تلفزيوني يبث على قنوات فضائية, يعنى بتمويل مشاريع متناهية الصغر للأسر الصامدة الأشد فقرا.
الفئة المستهدفة : نساء الشهداء , والجرحى, والمتعطلين عن أعمالهم والأسر الفقيرة جدا .
** First : The project idea
The project name: Steadfastness Tale
The project idea: a TV program that broadcasts on satellite TV channels; aims to finance small projects for the poorest steadfast families.
The targeted category: Martyr's wives, the wounded, the unemployed and the poorest families.
The project geographic area: Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank – Palestine.
المنطقة الجغرافية للمشروع : القدس وقطاع غزة والضفة المحتلة –فلسطين
The project geographic area: Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank – Palestine.
ثانيا : أهداف البرنامج :
1- تعزيز صمود الفلسطينيين على أرضهم المقدسة .
2- محاولة سد الفراغ لمن فقدوا معيلهم سواء بالأسر أو الشهادة.
3- مواجهة سياسة التهجير الصهيونية والتي من أهم وسائلها: الخنق الاقتصادي للفلسطينيين.
4- دعم الأسر الفقيرة المرابطة بتوفير مصدر رزق مستمر بدلا من الإغاثة العاجلة المؤقتة .
5- إسهام جميع فئات الشعب في المشاركة في بناء وطنهم فلسطين.
6- إشراك المجتمع العربي والإسلامي كله في حمل هموم القضية الفلسطينية, كونها قضية العرب والمسلمين جميعا وليست قضية الشعب الفلسطيني وحده.
7- محاولة إيقاظ الوازع الإنساني لدى المشاهد العربي , ودعوته للتبرع لأجل تحسين الواقع الفلسطيني الصعب.
8- ارتفاع نسبة الفقر في الأراضي الفلسطينية والتي وصلت في غزة لوحدها إلى 85% حسب تقرير للمجلس الاقتصادي الفلسطيني للتنمية و الإعمار "بكدار".
9- عزوف رجال الأعمال عن دعم القضية المركزية "فلسطين".
** Second: The Project Targets:
1. Strengthening the steadfastness of the Palestinians on their holy land.
2. Trying to help those who have lost their provider either by imprisonment or death.
3. Facing the Zionist policy of displacement, which one of its most important means is: economic strangulation of the Palestinians.
4. Supporting the poor families to provide a continuous source of income instead of the temporary emergency relief.
5. Contributing all people categories to participate in building their homeland Palestine.
6. Involving the whole Arabs and Islamic communities in holding the troubles of the Palestinian issue, since it is the issue of all Arabs and Muslims, and it is not the issue of the Palestinians alone.
7. Attempting to awaken the human consciousness of the Arab viewers, and calling them to donate to improve the difficult Palestinian reality.
8. The high percentage of poverty in the Palestinian territories, which reached 85% in Gaza according to the report of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction "PECDAR".
9. Reluctance of businessmen to support the central issue "Palestine".
ثالثا: المساعدات المقدمة
يحاول البرنامج الوصول لأكبر عدد من المستفيدين من المنح بعد التحري والبحث عن الحالات الأشد حاجة على مستوى فلسطين, والمساعدات التي نقدمها هي كالأتي:
1- مشروع صغير بقيمة 4000 دولار
2- ترميم منزل بقيمة 3000 دولار
3- منحة علاج بقيمة 3000 دولار
4- عفش بيت بقيمة 1500دولار
5- زراعة أشجار الزيتون بقيمة 700دولار
6- منحة تعليم بقيمة 500 دولار
* * Third: The presented help :
The program tries to reach the largest number of beneficiaries from the grant, after investigating and searching for the most needed people in Palestine. The help which we present, as follows:
1. Small Project, amount US $4000
2. Home Renovation, amount US $3000
3. Medication Grant, amount US $3000
4. Home Furniture, amount US $1500
5. Planting Olive Trees, amount US $700
6. Education Grant, amount US $500
قالوا عنا
" برنامج حكاية صمود هو برنامج الشعب الفلسطيني كله.. وحينما تجسدون صورة من صور الصمود فإنه يكون رمزا من الرموز التي تتتلمذ عليها الأجيال ويتعلم منها الغير كيف الشعب الفلسطيني في غزة يبنى نفسه ويعزز وجوده ويحقق انتصاراته ويرسم الطريق نحو القدس "
م.زياد الظاظا
نائب رئيس الوزراء الفلسطيني
" هو برنامج من البرامج الواعدة إن شاء الله وفكرته فكرة مهمة و خدماتية من الطراز الأول , تستطيع الوصول إلى البيوت والناس المحتاجين والفقراء , وتقدم المساعدة مع حفظ ماء الوجه لهؤلاء الأسر "
م.صقر أبو هين
رئيس مجلس إدارة المجمع الإسلامي
تواصلوا معنا عبر:
** They said about us :
"Steadfastness Tale program is the program of all Palestinians .. since you are characterizing one image of its steadfastness images, it is a symbol that will be studied by generations, and learned from by others, how the Palestinians in Gaza build themselves, enhance their existence, achieve their victories and draw the road towards Jerusalem".
Eng. Ziad Al-Zaza, The Deputy of the Palestinian Prime Minister.
"It is one of the promising programs. Its idea is important and the services are first-class. It can reach the houses and the poor people, as well as helping them without hurting these families' feelings".
Eng. Saqer Abu Hein, Islamic Society Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Contact details:
Mob: +972-595244886
Monday, 13 May 2013
United Universities for Palestine

United Universities for Palestine academics follow Hawkings to support boycott –We want to boycott Israel.We will make declarations, demonstrations and/or strike.We fight for human rights, against apartheid. help me please to interconnect universities put link to event on pages of universitiescontact to BDS… |
Anna Arderiu,
human rights,
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Is Stephen Hawking right? VOTE
Is Stephen Hawking right to join the academic boycott of Israel?
Stephen Hawking has pulled out of a conference hosted by the Israeli president, Shimon Peres, in Jerusalem as a protest at Israel's treatment of Palestinians. Is he right to do so?
VOTE in the guardian:
Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel
Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel
Physicist pulls out of conference hosted by president Shimon Peres in protest at treatment of Palestinians
- Harriet Sherwood and Matthew Kalman in Jerusalem
- The Guardian,

A statement published with Stephen Hawking's approval said his withdrawal was based on advice from academic contacts in Palestine. Photograph: Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA
Professor Stephen Hawking is backing the academic boycott of Israel by pulling out of a conference hosted by Israeli president Shimon Peres in Jerusalem as a protest at Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
Hawking, 71, the world-renowned theoretical physicist and former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, had accepted an invitation to headline the fifth annual president's conference, Facing Tomorrow, in June, which features major international personalities, attracts thousands of participants and this year will celebrate Peres's 90th birthday.
Hawking is in very poor health, but last week he wrote a brief letter to the Israeli president to say he had changed his mind. He has not announced his decision publicly, but a statement published by the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine with Hawking's approval described it as "his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there".
Hawking's decision marks another victory in the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions targeting Israeli academic institutions.
In April the Teachers' Union of Ireland became the first lecturers' association in Europe to call for an academic boycott of Israel, and in the United States members of the Association for Asian American Studies voted to support a boycott, the first national academic group to do so.
In the four weeks since Hawking's participation in the Jerusalem event was announced, he has been bombarded with messages from Britain and abroad as part of an intense campaign by boycott supporters trying to persuade him to change his mind. In the end, Hawking told friends, he decided to follow the advice of Palestinian colleagues who unanimously agreed that he should not attend.
Hawking's decision met with abusive responses on Facebook, with many commentators focusing on his physical condition, and some accusing him of antisemitism.
By participating in the boycott, Hawking joins a small but growing list of British personalities who have turned down invitations to visit Israel, including Elvis Costello, Roger Waters, Brian Eno, Annie Lennox and Mike Leigh.
However, many artists, writers and academics have defied and even denounced the boycott, calling it ineffective and selective. Ian McEwan, who was awarded the Jerusalem Prize in 2011, responded to critics by saying: "If I only went to countries that I approve of, I probably would never get out of bed … It's not great if everyone stops talking."
Noam Chomsky, a prominent supporter of the Palestinian cause, has said that he supports the "boycott and divestment of firms that are carrying out operations in the occupied territories" but that a general boycott of Israel is "a gift to Israeli hardliners and their American supporters".
Hawking has visited Israel four times in the past. Most recently, in 2006, he delivered public lectures at Israeli and Palestinian universities as the guest of the British embassy in Tel Aviv. At the time, he said he was "looking forward to coming out to Israel and the Palestinian territoriesand excited about meeting both Israeli and Palestinian scientists".
Since then, his attitude to Israel appears to have hardened. In 2009, Hawking denounced Israel's three-week attack on Gaza, telling Riz Khan on Al-Jazeera that Israel's response to rocket fire from Gaza was "plain out of proportion … The situation is like that of South Africa before 1990 and cannot continue."
Israel Maimon, chairman of the presidential conference said: "This decision is outrageous and wrong.
"The use of an academic boycott against Israel is outrageous and improper, particularly for those to whom the spirit of liberty is the basis of the human and academic mission. Israel is a democracy in which everyone can express their opinion, whatever it may be. A boycott decision is incompatible with open democratic discourse."
In 2011, the Israeli parliament passed a law making a boycott call by an individual or organisation a civil offence which can result in compensation liable to be paid regardless of actual damage caused. It defined a boycott as "deliberately avoiding economic, cultural or academic ties with another person or another factor only because of his ties with the State of Israel, one of its institutions or an area under its control, in such a way that may cause economic, cultural or academic damage".
• This article was amended on 8 May 2013. The original described Hawking as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. He stepped down in 2009.
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Stimmen vom Weltsozialforum in Tunis - Frank Barat, Russell Tribunal on Palestine
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